Vivid Ideas 2018 - Our Student's Perspective
This year for Vivid Ideas, Bradfield students staged The New Creatives - 'Hidden in Plain View', a multi-modal interactive exhibition revealed Sydney’s hidden stories and secrets. Secrets have long been buried. Stories that have never been shared. This event will unravel the hidden mysteries that are in our everyday plain view.
Students applied for project roles and created works in film, photography, social media, art and design, performance in dance, music and drama and community storytelling. Based on the book Hidden in Plain View by Paul Irish, The New Creatives uncovered new creative talent from school students, not just from Bradfield but across Sydney, as part of an innovative approach to senior secondary education. The event was the culmination of a 17 week project.
Nurturing young creative minds is at the top of the agenda of educators, yet inspiring and guiding students within the rigid academic structure of the HSC can be challenging. With so much focus on exams and scores, many of our young creatives are becoming disillusioned with traditional education. With a real world client and an intriguing theme of discovery, the New Creatives event provided opportunities for students to connect with Sydney’s people, history and land.